Monday, March 27, 2023

An incredibly dull life

Life today was extremely dull. I spent the day doing nothing as a protest, and it would have ended at that note, as so many days in my life have, but N arrived home and dragged me out of my bubble. He can't bear to see my resting and relaxing when he is sitting there, going over his stuff.

Life is very very dull as we speak. I have plans for the short, mid and long term but nothing right now. Last night I did cooked some specie of karahi and I can go eat it if I want, but what is the point?

Everything is incredibly dull. The surroundings, the people, the culture. People often have a ready diagnosis to spring at the symptoms of our-well, issues- from moral decay to economic ailments. I think we are just dull, pure and simple. The dullness reflects in everything, from my lack of access to human-edible strawberry to being unable to find information the way I want.

What is the solution? Should I dabble in something challenging? It has to be the right amount of challenging. Neither too much, nor too little. Plus, there has to be some utility. Maybe I can read Madni's kulliyat with a lughat. Participating in a DS competition won't give me that, I suspect. It is mostly about using the right amount of boosting.

Some time ago, I had been reflecting on how the last time I indulged in some competition was in 2015. Even then, I was kinda sure of the results. Anyways I indulged in some this year (or the last year?) and apparently there wasn't much competition this time. People my age have mostly given up on things!

Between the serious inflation, balancing my time and energy and making plans, my life overall is amazing. Still, I need to do something hard for once. Maybe I'll go study a course in statistics. Sadly, can't do topology or real analysis.

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