Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Surviving SAA guys

 Once upon a time, I used to live in an environment full of SAA people. SAA as in slightly above average, particularly when it pertains to intelligence, but also some other essential features like intelligence.  It was not fun.

SAA guys, in particular, are very hard to tolerate. Since I work, I am surrounded by them at most places. There was this cute little place that was an exception, but I outgrew the hardware industry. A friend of mine recently remarked that he can't work in my current area because he can't tolerate wannabes. Sigh.

In the spirit of constant learning and growing and real introspection and overcoming one's fears, I have been thinking of modifying my non-confrontational stance. Recently I worked hard and smart to create an opening for my team in a project, but it seems that I am being phased out. A moderate fight is due. I am too tired of this quiet demeanour-in fact, it isn't even my nature.

Maladaptive nurture. Sigh.

People with slightly above average intelligence are difficult to tolerate for a number of reasons. They lie on a dangerous portion of the Dunning-Kruger effect, and rate themselves much more highly than the reality. They work hard and try to be thorough, but this almost always pertains to the garnishing of BS and rarely the underlying reality. So they will be making a lot of effort, and if you aren't they will be openly shaming you. Judging you as lazy, stupid and incompetent. 

Damn, I just understood a phenomenon. People mention that this country has been ruined more by parhay likhay people than anyone else. Need to write it down somewhere, and can't continue here.

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